IrishJobs receives Autism-Friendly Employer accreditation from AsIAm

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IrishJobs is proud to announce that we have received accreditation from AsIAm, Ireland’s Autism Charity, as an autism-friendly employer.

This accreditation is a significant milestone for us in our own journey to create a work environment where neurodiverse people can thrive.

We are grateful for the commitment of the IrishJobs team, who underwent the necessary training to help us achieve this accreditation.

Working in partnership with AsIAm

IrishJobs and AsIAm, Ireland’s national autism charity, are working together to open up the world of work to autistic people.

Our partnership aims to remove barriers to employment, empowering autistic jobseekers to have the same chance as everybody else at securing employment.

At a time when it’s estimated that up to 85% of autistic adults in Ireland are either underemployed or unemployed, we want to create a better working world for the autistic community by advocating for autistic talent and supporting employers to create autism-friendly workplaces.