
Many people with a disability want to work.

By employing people with a disability you are directly promoting social inclusion which enables the individual development and gives people the opportunity to participate in the wider community.

To help businesses achieve this aim there are a variety of voluntary organisations, charities and Government bodies that employers can call on for support and guidance.[divider]

[col width=”four”]Frequently Asked Questions[/col]
[col width=”eight”][h3]FAQ[/h3] Frequently Ask Questions about employing a person with a disability.
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[col width=”four”]Grants-&-Schemes[/col]
[col width=”eight”][h3]Grants and Schemes[/h3] Information about the financial support available to employers and people with a disability.
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[col width=”four”]Disabilities-and-Employment[/col] [col width=”eight”][h3]Disabilities and Employment[/h3]Information and resources about common disabilities and employment.
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[col width=”four”]Easy-Read[/col] [col width=”eight”][h3]Easy Read[/h3] Examples of how to implement Easy Read in the recruitment process.
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[col width=”four”]Useful-References[/col] [col width=”eight”][h3]Useful References[/h3] More information and Support.
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[col width=”four”]Application-Form[/col] [col width=”eight”][h3]Application Form[/h3] Free download of sample application form for employers.
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